“An experience that was truly life changing”
I had an appointment with Mary Burke for hormones but have also been supported by Joanne Hare and Megan O’Brien too. LTC claims to follow the standards of care, as set by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health. Based on my experience to-date, they do this both literally and according to the intention of those standards. Before LTC, I had to jump through so many hoops to justify myself and I felt really pressured just to fit into a “category” of dysphoria.
I was SO scared to go to my first appointment, but shouldn’t have been because everyone there, especially Mary, was lovely. She was kind, professional, upfront and honest about what I could expect from her, but also what she needed from me. It was an adult conversation and I was treated with respect; I’ve rarely felt so accepted and it was really emotional for me.
Since then I’ve dealt with Joanne mainly for bloodwork results etc and my view of LTC remains the same. If anything I’m now scared to lose their support! I know I won’t but when you finally find people who are truly on your side and want to provide the right care for you – right being what’s best for you and your health, not just what you want – then they become a very precious asset indeed!
I can’t recommend LTC highly enough. Be honest with them and they’ll be honest about how they can help you.