The London Transgender Clinic has a wide variety of light therapy and aesthetic lasers to restore aged and environmental damaged skin. We aim to achieve a natural and aesthetically pleasing youthful appearance. This is achievable with minimal down time and is a fast, safe and effective treatment.

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Summary of Thread Vein Removal

Treatment Time
15 – 30 minutes
Time Off Work
2-3 days
2-3 days dependent on the area being treated
Exercise (inc. Gym)
24-48 hours
Number of treatments required:
Expected results:
2-3 weeks
Recommended maintenance:
1 month apart

Thread Vein Removal FAQ’s

  • Why suffer from unwanted thread veins and pigmented lesions?

    We are able to restore the skin to a more youthful appearance and a much smoother complexion using state of the art technology to ensure a safe and effective treatment for thread veins, pigmented skin lesions and haemangiomas. It is now possible to reverse the effects of aging and environmental damage.

  • What are vascular lesions?

    These are areas of superficial, overgrown and enlarged blood vessels. They vary in size and colour, ranging from red to purple to blue – our up-to-date AFT and Lasers target the blood vessels to effectively and safely treat these lesions.

  • How and why do they appear?

    These appear through excessive sun exposure, congenital, oral contraceptives or through the natural aging process.

  • What are Pigmented lesions?

    These are a collection of melanin pigments in the skin often known as liver spots, freckles or brown birth marks.

  • Why do they occur?

    These are congenital or acquired through excessive sun exposure over time.

  • How does the treatment work?

    We have a number of lasers and light therapies tailored to target your specific problems. The appropriate treatment will be discussed with you at your consultation.

    The Dye VL & LP 1064 treat red thread veins red thread veins through a series of laser light pulses which are absorbed into the blood causing the vessels to collapse. The treated area over time (2-4 weeks) returns to the natural colour of your skin.

  • Does It hurt?

    Discomfort varies depending on the size, depth and location of the vein. It is virtually painless. At times it may feel warm and tingly during and after the treatment. Often described as sunburn sensation.

  • Who performs my Treatment?

    The light therapy is performed by our clinical Aesthetician who has had specialist training in light and laser therapy.

Other Light Therapies Treatments

Acne, Acne Spots, Acne Scarring, Hair Removal, Skin Rejuvenation

We support and endorse the Guidelines for the Standards of Care for transgender, trans-individuals set out by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH).


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